Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2020
Eurovariety 2021
The role of outside university institutions in the teaching of chemistry content in the different years of study of natural sciencesDownload
Mentoring gifted high school graduates future students in the natural science: An example of good practiceDownload
NAK 2021
Izzivi Avtentičnosti v Naravoslovnem Izobraževanju
Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2021
Pektinske mikrosfere inkapsuliranega eteričnega olja citrusov
Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2022
Učenje kemije z raziskovanjem v neformalnem izobraževanju za nadarjene
Ecrice 2022
Twitter conference 2023
Inquiry based chemistry learning in a non-formal educational setting for gifted students
STEM-CPD@EUni final conference
Pre-service Teacher Education in the Context of the DiSSI Framework
ESERA 2023
Inquiry based chemistry activities in the non-formal educational setting for gifted students